Sesame Sprout School uses The Pre-K for All NYCDOE Curriculum™, a high-quality, research-based curriculum that provides a series of interdisciplinary units of study, supporting student learning in all domains using developmentally appropriate practice.
Our preschool believes in the individuality of the children which is why our teaching staff plans for each child’s specific needs. We form partnerships with our families and the community, and the curriculum supports this.
When people visit our preschool they immediately notice how interactive our classrooms are. The classes are decorated with the children’s beautiful work; the amount of rich learning is evident. The rooms are set up in centers with specific functions in each one. These centers enrich children’s senses and allow them to engage with their peers and explore many mediums for learning. The children have the opportunity each day to experience these centers on their own during center time. During this time there is also teacher guided small group work that takes place. With all of these factors at work, the students of Sesame Sprout receive a positive learning experience by a professional and dedicated staff, as we understand that giving children a strong foundation of education will carry them throughout their education.
School Readiness Goals:
Our Universal Pre-K program follows Citywide School Readiness Goals. We have carefully and thoughtfully tailored these goals based on our children’s needs and the community they live. These goals describe the intended purposes and expected results from quality teaching and learning. In doing this we strive for meaningful and responsive relationships, experiences and interactions between the children and the teaching staff, as well as the parents. The development of inquiring critical thinking is a consistent thread through Sesame Sprout. Our units of study provide content explorations, skill building aligned with the NYCDOE K-SS, science scope and sequence. These units assist in nurturing inquiry language and problem solving skills through the organization of classroom environment, interactions with students, use of purposeful play, incorporation of books, vocabulary and family engagement.